2.6. Detailed Descriptions of Alternatives by Resource

This section is comprised of two tables. To assist the reader in maneuvering through the alternatives, Table 2–4 lists key terms and concepts by resource topic (such as CSU, easements, and erosion/sediment control) and directs readers to the locations in Table 2–5 that address the term. Table 2–5 identifies goals and objectives, management actions common to all alternatives, and management actions by alternative. Table 2–5 is arranged according to the following resource topics:


Resource Topic


Common to All


Physical Resources (PR)


Mineral Resources (MR)


Fire and Fuels Management (FM)


Biological Resources (BR)


Heritage and Visual Resources (HR)


Land Resources (LR)


Special Designations (SD)


Socioeconomic Resources (SR)

This numbering system and the abbreviations for each of the eight resource topics appear as headings and serve to organize Table 2–5. The goals and objectives listed in the table apply to all four alternatives under consideration for the entire Planning Area and would apply for the life of this RMP.

Management actions are anticipated to achieve the goals and objectives identified for each resource topic. Some management actions are constant across all alternatives (common to all), whereas others vary by alternative. Management actions that apply to all alternatives are listed for each resource topic under the heading Management Actions Common to All Alternatives immediately following the goals and objectives for each resource topic. Management actions that vary by alternative are listed under the heading Management Actions by Alternative.

Because the Bighorn Basin RMP Revision Project is a combined effort to revise RMPs for both the CYFO and WFO, management actions might apply to one or both field offices. Table 2–5 designates management actions that apply to the CYFO with an X in the column labeled C, and designates management actions that apply to the WFO with an X in the column labeled W.

Actions apply for the life of this RMP, but can be changed via RMP amendments. For example, areas identified as closed to mineral leasing refer to federal mineral estate closed from leasing for the life of this RMP unless changed through an RMP amendment. Furthermore, where the RMP places seasonal or other restrictions or limitations on development, the authorized officer may issue written exceptions, waivers, or modifications to these limitations, including documented supporting analysis (Appendix G).

Table 2.4. Key Terms and Concepts by Resource Topic

Term or Concept

Resource Topic

Abandoned Mine Lands

Public Health and Safety


Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Fish and Wildlife

Black‐footed ferret

Special Status Species

Best Management Practice (BMP)

Air Quality; Soil Resources; Water Resources; Mineral Resources; Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Special Status Species; Visual Resource Management; Renewable Energy; ROW and Corridors; Livestock Grazing Management


Mineral Resources; Lands and Realty


Lands and Realty; Public Health and Safety

Cooperation with agencies/governments/landowners/stakeholders

Water Resources; Fire and Fuels Management; Invasive Species; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; Renewable Energy; ROW and Corridors; Livestock Grazing Management; National Back Country Byways; WSAs

Crucial winter range

Fish and Wildlife; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs

Controlled surface use (CSU)

Mineral Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; Recreation; National Historic Landmark; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails

Desert Land Act

Lands and Realty

Disposal (Land)

Paleontological Resources; Lands and Realty; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Disposal (Mineral Materials)

Mineral Resources; Cultural Resources; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; National Historic Landmark; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails; Wild and Scenic Rivers


Visual Resource Management; Lands and Realty; ROW and Corridors; Recreation; Livestock Grazing Management

Extensive Recreation Management Area (ERMA)

Cave and Karst Resources; Recreation

Erosion/sediment control

Soil Resources; Water Resources; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Fish and Wildlife

Fire suppression

Fire and Fuels Management; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; ACECs

Geologic hazards

Public Health and Safety

Geophysical exploration

Common to All; Mineral Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Recreation; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers


Mineral Resources; ACECs

Greater sage-grouse

Fire and Fuels Management; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs

Invasive nonnative pest species/weeds

Fire and Fuels Management; Invasive Species; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; ACECs; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management


Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Grasslands and Shrublands

Key Habitat Areas (greater sage-grouse)

Special Status Species

Livestock grazing

Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Grasslands and Shrublands; Fish and Wildlife; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs

Migration corridors

Fish and Wildlife; Lands and Realty

Mineral leasing/lease (leasable minerals)

Mineral Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; National Historic Landmark; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs


Common to All; Air Quality; Soil Resources; Water Resources; Mineral Resources; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Wild Horses; Cultural Resources; Visual Resource Management; Lands and Realty; Recreation; ACECs; Social and Economic; Public Health and Safety

Motorized vehicle use closed

Cave and Karst Resources; Visual Resource Management; Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; Recreation; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs

Motorized vehicle use limited to designated roads and trails

Cave and Karst Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; Visual Resource Management; Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs

Motorized vehicle use limited to existing roads and trails

Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; Recreation; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs

Motorized vehicle use open

Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; Recreation

Motorized vehicle use seasonal closure

Fish and Wildlife; Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management; ACECs

No surface occupancy (NSO)

Mineral Resources; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; Recreation; ACECs; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Oil and Gas Management Areas

Mineral Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species

Parturition habitat

Fish and Wildlife

Pesticide application

Water Resources; Invasive Species; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species

Plant community/communities

Soil Resources; Grasslands and Shrublands; Invasive Species; Special Status Species

Prairie dog

Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species

Prescribed burn/fire

Air Quality; Fire and Fuels Management; LWCs; ACECs

Produced water

Water Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Livestock Grazing Management; Public Health and Safety

Public access

Fish and Wildlife; ROW and Corridors; Comprehensive Travel and Transportation; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails

Range improvements (fencing, reservoirs, vegetation treatments)

Water Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Wild Horses; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs


Soil Resources; Grasslands and Shrublands; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management

Renewable energy (wind, biomass, solar)

Leasable Minerals – Geothermal; Fish and Wildlife; Cultural Resources; Renewable Energy; Recreation; ACECs; WSAs

Rock art

Cultural Resources; Fire and Fuels Management

Rights-of-way (ROW) avoidance/mitigation

Cave and Karst Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Cultural Resources; Lands and Realty; ROW and Corridors; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs

Rights-of-way (ROW) exclusion

Fish and Wildlife; Renewable Energy; ROW and Corridors; Recreation; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Rights-of-way (ROW) open

Recreation; Wild and Scenic Rivers


Fire and Fuels Management; Vegetation; Grassland and Shrubland; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species


Soil Resources; Invasive Species; Special Status Species; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Mineral Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Public Health and Safety


Lands and Realty

Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA)

Cave and Karst Resources; Recreation

Surface‐disturbing/surface disturbance

Common to All; Soil Resources; Water Resources; Mineral Resources; Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species; Wild Horses; Cultural Resources; Paleontological Resources; Visual Resource Management; Recreation; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs; National Historic Landmark; National Historic Trails and Scenic Trails; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Timber harvest/firewood (personal use)/poles

Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Wild and Scenic Rivers; LWCs

Timing limitations (TLS)

Fish and Wildlife; Special Status Species

Vegetation treatment

Fire and Fuels Management; Forest, Woodlands, and Forest Products; Invasive Species; Fish and Wildlife; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Visual resource management (VRM)

Visual Resource Management; Recreation; LWCs; ACECs; Wild and Scenic Rivers; WSAs

Water quality

Water Resources; Fire and Fuels Management; Riparian/Wetland Resources

Well (oil and gas)

Water Resources; Mineral Resources; Special Status Species; Public Health and Safety

Well (water)

Water Resources


Mineral Resources; Cultural Resources; Lands and Realty; Recreation; Livestock Grazing Management; ACECs; National Back Country Byways; National Historic Landmark; Wild and Scenic Rivers

Wyoming Standards for Healthy Rangelands

Soil Resources; Water Resources; Grasslands and Shrublands; Riparian/Wetland Resources; Fish and Wildlife; Wild Horses; Recreation; LWCs; Livestock Grazing Management

ACEC Area of Critical Environmental Concern

LWC Lands with Wilderness Characteristics

WSA Wilderness Study Area