Table 4.1, “Summary of Alternative Impacts by Resource” summarizes the effects of each alternative by resource.
Table 4.1. Summary of Alternative Impacts by Resource
Resource(s) | No Action Alternative | Proposed Action Alternative |
Air Quality | No direct effects to air quality. | Short-term direct adverse effects as a result of construction-generated dust and vehicle emissions. Long-term minor adverse effect as a result of increased vehicle traffic, and subsequently increased emissions. |
Cultural Resources, Native American Religious Concerns | No direct effects to historic structures or district. Without human presence on the ranch, increased potential for vandalism, theft, and fire. Potential adverse effects to the structures and district would be long-term and moderate or greater. | Rehabilitation and stabilization of historic structures; some adverse effects as a result of modifications to these structures; intensity or severity of effects would be minimized through the use of project design features and Secretary’s Standards. Overall, long-term benefit to the integrity of the district; no overall adverse effect to National Register status. |
Hydrology, Drainage, and Erosion / Soils | No direct effects to hydrology, drainage, and erosion. | Minor short-term adverse effects to erosion and hydrology as a result of construction activities. Long-term effects to drainage patterns within the 40-acre parcel boundary as a result of relocated swales. Negligible adverse effects anticipated beyond the 40-acre boundary. |
Land Use | No direct effects on land uses at the ranch. No Action may encourage unauthorized uses of the ranch. Ultimately, not consistent with the terms of the TNC conservation easement as it would not preserve the historic and scenic values of the ranch. | Direct effects to existing land uses at the ranch. Ranch would transition from a dormant historic ranch to an active educational and interpretive facility. Would ensure the preservation of historic and scenic values, as stipulated in the TNC conservation easement. |
Vegetation, Threatened and Endangered Plant Species, Non-Native Invasive and Noxious Species | No direct effects to vegetation. Indirect effects are unlikely. | Direct effects to 3 acres in the short-term; however, much of this area is currently denuded. Long-term loss of 4 acres of native vegetation due to building footprints. Restoration of approximately 5 acres to native vegetation. Total net change: approximately 1 acre. Low risk to special status species. |
Visitation / Residents | No direct effects to visitation. Ranch is currently closed to the public, except by special arrangements. May encourage unauthorized visitors and delinquent activities at the ranch in the long-term. | New public educational and interpretive opportunities. Increase in permanent resident presence. Long-term UNLV academic pursuits. Potential for several special events per year. |
Visual and Aesthetic Resources | No direct effects. Long-term adverse effects as deterioration of historic structure and facilities worsens without human presence on the ranch. Overall, still consistent with VRM Class II objectives. | Short-term minor adverse effects resulting from construction activities. Long-term beneficial impacts resulting from rehabilitation and preservation of historic structures. Overall, consistent with VRM Class II objectives. |
Wildlife, Threatened and Endangered Wildlife Species, Migratory Birds | No direct effects to any wildlife species or habitats. Long-term negligible beneficial impacts resulting from removal of human presence. | Minor adverse direct effects to wildlife species in the short-term as a resulting from increased human activity, noise, dust, vibrations, or displacement during construction. Long-term minor adverse effects as a result of increased background levels of human activity. Minor long-term benefit as a result of restoration of denuded areas. |