5.1.3. Scoping Meetings

During the weeks of November 3, 2008 and November 10, 2008, the BLM hosted scoping meetings in six locations across the Planning Area. Table 5–1 lists the scoping meeting locations and dates. The six public scoping meetings provided the public with an opportunity to learn and ask questions about the project and the planning process and to submit their issues and concerns to the BLM. The BLM chose an open house format over a more formal public meeting format to encourage broader participation, to allow attendees to learn about the project at their own pace, and to enable attendees to ask questions of BLM representatives in an informal one-on-one setting.

In addition to members of the BLM Interdisciplinary Team, a total of 381 people attended the scoping meetings. The BLM provided four handouts and presented four display boards at each scoping meeting. BLM resource specialists also brought maps, photographs, pamphlets, and other visual aids to the meetings for use when speaking with the public.

The BLM encouraged meeting attendees to comment by submitting written comment forms (either at the meetings or via mail) or by sending an e-mail. Comment sheets were available to attendees at all meetings, as was a computer station where the public could type and submit their comments. Attendees to the November 14 public meeting received a notification of the extension of the scoping period until November 24, 2008. At the November 12 through November 14 meetings, attendees also received a survey from the County Commissioners.