5.1. Public Involvement

In accordance with CEQ scoping guidance, the BLM provided opportunities for public involvement as an integral part of revising the RMP and preparing the EIS. CEQ scoping guidance defines scoping as the “process by which lead agencies solicit input from the public and interested agencies on the nature and extent of issues and impacts to be addressed and the methods by which they will be evaluated” (CEQ 1981). The scoping report, which summarizes public participation during scoping and issues identified during the scoping process, is available on the Bighorn Basin RMP website at http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/programs/Planning/rmps/bighorn.html.

The intent of the scoping process is to provide an opportunity for the public, tribes, other government agencies, and interest groups to learn about the project and provide input on the planning issues, impacts, and potential alternatives that will be addressed in the EIS, and the extent to which those issues will be analyzed. In general, public involvement during scoping assists the agency through the following:

Table 5.1. Public Involvement, Coordination, and Consultation Events




November 5, 2008

Thermopolis, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

November 6, 2008

Worland, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

November 7, 2008

Greybull, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

November 12, 2008

Cody, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

November 13, 2008

Powell, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

November 14, 2008

Lovell, Wyoming

Public Scoping Meeting

January 12, 2009

Greybull, Wyoming

Travel Management and Recreation Assessment Meeting

January 13, 2009

Lovell, Wyoming

Travel Management and Recreation Assessment Meeting

January 14, 2009

Cody, Wyoming

Travel Management and Recreation Assessment Meeting

January 15, 2009

Worland, Wyoming

Travel Management and Recreation Assessment Meeting

January 16, 2009

Thermopolis, Wyoming

Travel Management and Recreation Assessment Meeting

March 25 – 27, 2009

Cody, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Goals and Objectives

April 29 – May 1, 2009

Worland, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Range of Alternatives

May 27 – 29, 2009

Worland, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Range of Alternatives

June 24 – 26, 2009

Cody, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Range of Alternatives

July 29 – 31, 2009

Thermopolis, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Range of Alternatives

October 28, 2009

Cody, Wyoming

Open House

February 17 – 19, 2010

Cody, Wyoming

Cooperating Agency Workshop/Development of the Preferred Alternative

April 5, 2010

Worland, Wyoming

Open House