Chapter 4. Environmental Consequences

This chapter describes environmental consequences that may result from implementing the four alternatives described in Chapter 2. The purpose of this chapter is to determine the potential impacts of the federal action on the human environment. As defined by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) the “human environment” shall be interpreted to include the natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1508.14). The federal action is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) selection of a resource management plan (RMP) on which to base future land use actions.

The analysis of environmental consequences focuses on key planning issues (see Chapter 1) raised during the scoping process rather than providing an encyclopedic discussion of all possible consequences. The organization of Chapter 4 follows the same order as Chapter 3 and allows the reader to compare existing resource conditions (Chapter 3) to potential impacts (Chapter 4) for the same resource. The following describes the organization of information for the analysis of each resource or resource use.


The discussion of environmental consequences for each resource program begins with a brief definition of an impact for the resource. When applicable, definitions of the following types of impacts also are included:

Adverse or Beneficial Impacts. When applicable, this chapter differentiates beneficial and adverse impacts. For example, an alternative that increases the number of water sources away from existing rivers and streams is expected to have a beneficial impact on livestock grazing and riparian/wetland areas; however, if this alternative also increases livestock concentration around new water sources, it may adversely impact grassland and shrubland communities by degrading vegetation and compacting soil in these areas. The purpose of presenting both beneficial and adverse impacts for key planning issues is to help the BLM decision maker and readers understand the multiple-use tradeoffs associated with each alternative. However, this chapter does not describe all possible impacts and, unless otherwise stated, assume that impacts described in this chapter would be adverse.

Direct or Indirect Impacts. In general, direct impacts result from BLM-authorized activities and generally occur at the same time and place as the management activity or action causing the impact. For example, for the action of building a road, a direct adverse impact is surface disturbance. Surface disturbance is the impact (the effect) of heavy equipment (the cause) removing existing vegetation as it grades the proposed road location. Indirect impacts often occur at some distance or time from the action. In the example above, an indirect impact could occur days after the surface is disturbed and some distance from the disturbance. Heavy precipitation following vegetation removal and ground disturbance could erode soil and transport sediment into streams. Therefore, the impact to stream water quality would be an indirect adverse impact.

Short- or Long-term Impacts. Where applicable, this chapter describes the short-term or long-term aspects of impacts. For purposes of this RMP, short-term impacts occur during or after the activity or action and may continue for up to 5 years. For example, for the action of a prescribed fire, a short‐term adverse impact is loss of vegetative cover. Long-term impacts occur beyond the first 5 years, an approximation of the time required to restore or reclaim an area following surface disturbance. Long-term beneficial impacts of prescribed fire include diversifying vegetation structure and restoring fire-adapted ecosystems to prevent larger, more damaging wildland fires.

Methods and Assumptions

This section describes the methods and assumptions used in the impact analysis for each resource or resource use. Due to the programmatic and strategic nature of the RMP alternatives, the timing and specific location of project-specific actions that could affect resource values are not defined. Moreover, the relationship between cause (future actions) and effect (impact on resources) is not always known or quantifiable. For these reasons, alternative analyses are both qualitative and quantitative, and based on a series of assumptions. The methods and assumptions listed for each section, and in the general assumptions presented below, provide a basis for the conclusions reached in this chapter.


The summary section for each resource program briefly discusses the overall impacts resulting from implementation of the alternatives and compares the alternatives in terms of their anticipated impact intensity (from greatest to least). The summary section compares impacts among the Action Alternatives (alternatives B, C, D) and the No Action Alternative (Alternative A). In some cases, there are no discernable differences in impacts among the alternatives.

Detailed Analysis of Alternatives

The detailed analysis of alternatives describes how each alternative could affect baseline conditions of individual resources in the Bighorn Basin planning area (Planning Area). The alternatives analyses typically describe impacts grouped into broad topic areas and in the following order: surface disturbance, resource uses, special designations, resources, and proactive management actions. Proactive management actions include management actions included to protect or enhance the resource of interest. For example, proactive management actions for soils include requiring topsoil salvage and segregation for all surface-disturbing activities. If an impact analysis does not discuss the effect of a particular allowable use or management action on a given resource, it is because the BLM does not expect impacts or expects impacts to be minimal, or the anticipated impact is outside the scope of this analysis, as described in Chapter 1 of this document.

Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative impacts combine the past and present impacts encompassed in existing conditions described in Chapter 3 with the anticipated incremental impacts of alternatives described in the sections of this chapter and the impacts of reasonable foreseeable actions. The Cumulative Impacts section, which appears at the end of this chapter, also includes anticipated incremental impacts of non-BLM reasonable foreseeable actions.

Assumptions Common to All Analyses

The list below identifies assumptions common to all alternatives and all resources. Individual resource sections list assumptions unique to specific resources and resource uses.

Table 4.1.  Total Projected Surface Disturbance from BLM Reasonable Foreseeable Actions in the Bighorn Basin Planning Area


Alternative A

Alternative B

Alternative C

Alternative D (Agency Preferred)

Total Acres Short-Term Disturbance from BLM Actions





Total Acres Reclaimed from BLM Actions





Total Acres Long-Term Disturbance from BLM Actions





Source: Appendix T

BLM Bureau of Land Management