3.8.6. Climate Change

A growing body of evidence indicates that Earth’s atmosphere is warming. Records show that surface temperatures in the Wyoming region have risen approximately 1.5°F since the 1960 to 1979 baseline years (Global Change Research Program 2009). The largest increase in average temperature has occurred in the winter months in the northern portions of the region. Relatively cold days in the region are becoming less frequent and relatively hot days are becoming more frequent (Global Change Research Program 2009). Observed changes in oceans, ecosystems, and ice cover are consistent with this warming trend (National Academy of Sciences 2006). Ongoing scientific research has identified the potential impacts of GHG emissions, including CO2, CH4, nitrous oxide (N2O), water vapor and several trace gases, on global climate change. Through complex interactions at regional and global scales, these GHG emissions cause a net warming of the atmosphere (which makes surface temperatures suitable for life on Earth), primarily by decreasing the amount of heat energy Earth radiates back into space. Although GHG concentrations in the atmosphere and climatic conditions have varied throughout Earth’s history, recent industrialization and burning of fossil fuels has caused global atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase dramatically; this most recent CO2 increase is likely to contribute to overall climatic changes (National Academy of Sciences 2006).

Global atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values (as determined from ice cores spanning many thousands of years). The global increase in CO2 concentrations is due primarily to fossil fuel use and land use change, while those of CH4 and N2O are due to agricultural soil management, animal manure management, sewage treatment, and mobile and stationary combustion of fossil fuels (IPCC 2007a, EPA 2009b).

According to climate change researchers, the effects of climate change are expected to vary by region, season, and time of day (National Academy of Sciences 2006, Global Change Research Program 2009). Computer model forecasts indicate that increases in temperature will not be evenly or equally distributed, but are likely to be accentuated at higher latitudes. Warming during winter is expected to be greater than during the summer, and increases in daily minimum temperatures are more likely than increases in daily maximum temperatures (National Academy of Sciences 2006). Within a given region, increasing temperatures also could affect the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, the timing and amount of precipitation, the intensity of storm systems, snow melt, and soil moisture. All of these factors can affect climate, day-to-day weather conditions, and air quality in the Planning Area.

Based on research compiled for the International Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report, 2007, (IPCC 2007a) potential effects of climate change on resources in the affected environment are likely to be varied. Figure 3–36, taken from the Fourth Assessment Report indicates varying responses of the natural world to increasing temperatures as a result of increasing global temperatures.

Examples of Impacts Associated with Global Average Temperature Change

Figure 3.36. Examples of Impacts Associated with Global Average Temperature Change

Source: IPCC 2007a

Within North America, the report specifically forecasts that: warming in western mountains is projected to cause decreased snowpack, more winter flooding and reduced summer flows, exacerbating competition for over-allocated water resources; in the early decades of the century, moderate climate change is projected to increase aggregate yields of rain-fed agriculture by 5 to 20 percent, but with important variability among regions; major challenges are projected for crops that are near the warm end of their suitable range or which depend on highly utilized water resources; cities that currently experience heat waves are expected to be further challenged by an increased number, intensity and duration of heat waves during the course of the century, with potential for adverse health impacts; and coastal communities and habitats will be increasingly stressed by climate change impacts interacting with development and pollution. Specific modeling and/or assessments of the potential effects for the Bighorn Basin and for the state of Wyoming currently do not exist.

All of North America is likely to experience an increase in average temperature during the next 100 years, and annual mean warming is likely to exceed global mean warming in most areas (IPCC 2007a). Temperatures in the Planning Area are projected to increase substantially by the end of this century (Global Change Research Program 2009). Summer temperatures in the Planning Area are expected to increase between approximately 7°F and 10+°F by 2080 to 2099. Overall, temperature in the region that includes the Planning Area is projected to increase between 2.5°F to more than 13°F compared to the 1960 to 1979 baseline, depending on future GHG emissions (Global Change Research Program 2009). This range of temperature increase reflects the current uncertainty in climate change modeling and represents the likely range of model projections, although lower or higher outcomes are possible.

The lack of scientific tools (models with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution) to forecast climate change even at regional scales limits the ability to quantify current and future impacts of climate change in the Planning Area. The following paragraphs describe potential future effects of climate change that can be reasonably anticipated for the Planning Area; however, some of these effects might already be occurring in the area.

Increasing temperatures in the Planning Area are likely to contribute to increased evaporation, drought frequencies, and declining water quantity. The warming of lakes and rivers will adversely affect the thermal structure and water quality of hydrological systems, which will add additional stress to water resources in the region (IPCC 2007b). The Planning Area depends on temperature-sensitive springtime snowpack to meet demand for water from municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreational uses and BLM-authorized activities. The USGS notes that mountain ecosystems in the western United States are particularly sensitive to climate change, especially in the higher elevations, where much of the snowpack occurs, which have experienced three times the global average temperature increase over the past century (USGS 2010). Higher temperatures are causing more winter precipitation to fall as rain rather than snow, which contributes to earlier snowmelt. Additional declines in snowmelt associated with climate change are projected, which would reduce the amount of water available during summer (Global Change Research Program 2009). Rapid spring snowmelt due to sudden and unseasonal temperature increases can also lead to greater erosive events and unstable soil conditions.

Increases in average summer temperatures and earlier spring snowmelt in the Planning Area are expected to increase the risk of wildfires by increasing summer moisture deficits (Global Change Research Program 2009). Studies have shown that earlier snowmelts can lead to a longer dry season, which increases the incidence of catastrophic fire (Westerling et al. 2006). Together with historic changes in land use, climate change is anticipated to increase the occurrence of wildfire throughout the western United States.

There is evidence that recent warming is impacting terrestrial and aquatic biological systems (IPCC 2007b). Warming temperatures are leading to earlier timing of spring events such as leaf-unfolding, bird migration, and egg-laying (IPCC 2007b). The range of many plant and animal species has shifted poleward and to higher elevation, as the climate of these species’ traditional habitat changes. As future changes in climate are projected to be even greater than those in the recent past, there will likely be even larger range shifts in the coming decades (Lawler et al. 2009). Warming temperatures are also linked to earlier “greening” of vegetation in the spring and longer thermal growing seasons (IPCC 2007b). In aquatic habitats, increases in algal abundance in high-altitude lakes have been linked to warmer temperatures, while range changes and earlier fish migrations in rivers have also been observed (IPCC 2007b). Climate change is likely to combine with other human-induced stress to further increase the vulnerability of ecosystems to other pests, invasive species, and loss of native species. Climate change is likely to affect breeding patterns, water and food supply, and habitat availability to some degree. Sensitive species in the Planning Area, such as the sage-grouse, which are already stressed by declining habitat, increased development and other factors, could experience additional pressures as a result of climate change.

More frequent flooding events, erosion, wildfires and hotter temperatures all pose increased threats to cultural and paleontological sites and artifacts. Heat from wildfires, suppression activities and equipment, as well as greater ambient daytime heat can damage sensitive cultural resources. Similarly, flooding and erosion can wash away artifacts and damage cultural and paleontological sites. However, these same events may also uncover and lead to discoveries of new cultural and paleontological localities.

Climate change also poses challenges for many resource uses on BLM-administered land. Increased temperatures, drought and evaporation may reduce seasonal water supplies for livestock and could impact forage availability. However, in non-drought years, longer growing seasons resulting from thermal increases may increase forage availability throughout the year. Shifts in wildlife habitat due to climate change may influence hunting and fishing activities, and early snowmelt may impact winter and water-based recreational activities. Drought and resulting stress on vegetation is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of mountain bark beetle and other insect infestations, which further increases the risk of fire and reduces the potential for sale of forest products on BLM-administered lands.

A variety of activities in the Planning Area currently generate GHGs. Fuels combustion, industrial processes and any number of other activities on public lands result in direct emissions of GHGs. Direct emissions in the Planning Area include those related to current and ongoing oil and gas and other minerals development, fire events, motorized vehicle use (e.g., OHVs), livestock grazing, facilities development, and other fugitive emissions. Indirect GHG emissions in the Planning Area include the demand for electricity generated outside the area. Contributions to climate change also result from land use changes (conversion of land to less reflective surfaces that absorb heat, such as concrete or pavement), and soil erosion (which can reduce snow’s solar reflectivity and contribute to faster snowmelt).

Climate change science and projections of climate change is a continually growing and emerging science. Additional and recent information on climate change and regional projections of climate change for the Planning Area can be found through the U.S. Global Change Research Program (http://www.globalchange.gov/) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (http://www.ipcc.ch/).

Several federal initiatives have been launched to improve the ability to understand, predict, and adapt to the challenges of climate change. The Secretary of the Interior signed Secretarial Order 3289 on February 22, 2010, establishing a Department-wide, scientific-based approach to increase understanding of climate change and to coordinate an effective response to impacts on managed resources. The order reiterated the importance of analyzing potential climate change impacts when undertaking long-range planning issues, and also established several initiatives including the development of eight Regional Climate Science Centers. Regional Climate Science Centers would provide scientific information and tools that land and resource managers can apply to monitor and adapt to climate changes at regional and local scales (DOI 2010). The North Central Climate Science Center, which will incorporate the Planning Area, has a target establishment date of 2011.

Given the broad spatial influence of climate change which requires response at the landscape-level, the DOI also established Landscape Conservation Cooperatives which are management-science partnerships that help to inform management actions addressing climate change across landscapes. These Cooperatives are formed and directed by land, water, wildlife and cultural resource managers and interested public and private organizations, designed to increase the scope of climate change response beyond federal lands.

Rapid ecoregional assessments are one of the tools the BLM uses to monitor and respond to the effects of climate change. Ecoregional assessments are geospatial landscape evaluations that are designed to identify areas of high ecological value within an ecoregion that may warrant conservation, adaptation, or restoration. These assessments can help to identify resources that are being impacted by climate change and provide information to facilitate the subsequent development of an ecoregional conservation strategy for plants, wildlife and fish communities on public lands. Ecoregional assessments can identify areas, species, and ecological features and services that are sensitive to ecosystem instability and changes in climatic conditions. One of the objectives of the BLM rapid ecoregional assessments is to provide guidance for adaptation and mitigation planning in response to climate change.

In addition to efforts being undertaken to better respond and adapt to climate change, other federal initiatives are being implemented to mitigate climate change. The Carbon Storage Project was implemented to develop carbon sequestration methodologies for geological (i.e., underground) and biological (e.g., forests and rangelands) carbon storage. The project is a collaboration of federal agency and external stakeholders to enhance carbon storage in geologic formations and in plants and soils in an environmentally responsible manner. The Carbon Footprint Project is a project to develop a unified GHG emission reduction program for the DOI, including setting a baseline and reduction goal for the Department’s GHG emissions and energy use. More information about DOI’s efforts to respond to climate change is available at:.