The BLM conducted a series of six alternatives development workshops with an ID Team (BLM and cooperating agency personnel). During the initial workshop, the ID Team shared their knowledge and expertise and collaborated to identify goals and objectives (desired outcomes) for each resource. Each subsequent workshop refined management actions in each alternative and narrowed the scope of alternatives to a reasonable range limited by the planning criteria (see Chapter 1, Planning Criteria). Table 2–1 lists the dates and locations of each workshop. Before each workshop, the BLM specialists prepared preliminary draft alternatives for each resource to be discussed during the upcoming workshop. These preliminary draft alternatives served as the starting point for alternative formulation and the basis for ID Team discussions during the workshops.
Table 2.1. Alternatives Development Workshops
Workshop Number | Dates | Location | Focus |
1 | March 25 – 27, 2009 | Cody, Wyoming | Goals and Objectives |
2 | April 29 – May 1, 2009 | Worland, Wyoming | Range of Alternatives |
3 | May 27 – 29, 2009 | Worland, Wyoming | Range of Alternatives |
4 | June 24 – 26, 2009 | Cody, Wyoming | Range of Alternatives |
5 | July 29 – 31, 2009 | Thermopolis, Wyoming | Range of Alternatives |
6 | February 17 – 19, 2010 | Cody, Wyoming | Agency Preferred Alternative |
The ID Team formulated the range of alternatives (alternatives B and C) to meet the purpose and need of this RMP and EIS using different approaches to resource use. Broadly put, the alternatives represent the opposite ends of a continuum of resource use from the least (Alternative B) to the most (Alternative C). The BLM considered, but did not carry forward for detailed analysis, alternatives that did not meet the planning criteria or the purpose and need (see Chapter 1).