Notification letters were sent to various federal, state, and local agencies describing the Walking Box Ranch Development Concept Plan and outlining the agency and public scoping process. A letter was sent to representatives from each of the following agencies on December 26, 2008. Each agency was asked to provide general comments on the proposed project, as well as resource-specific comments germane to their area of expertise or jurisdiction.
Castle Mountain Venture
Clark County
College of Southern Nevada
Desert Research Institute
Justice of the Peace
Las Vegas Springs Preserve
Lost City Museum at Overton
Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association
Mojave National Preserve, National Park Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Nevada Division of Wildlife
Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
Red Rock Canyon Interpretive Association
Save America’s Treasures
Searchlight Nugget
Searchlight Town Board
Searchlight Town Manager
Sierra Club
The Nature Conservancy
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Desert National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Geological Survey
University of Nevada at Reno, Cooperative Extension
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Viceroy/Terrasearch, Inc.
Each of these agencies was also invited to participate in an agency scoping meeting held at the BLM Red Rock-Sloan Field Office on January 20, 2009.