Impacts to visual resources were determined on the basis of whether the predicted visual change caused by the Proposed Action would be within or exceed the allowable degree of visual contrast for VRM Class objectives and conservation easement limitations. In the context of a historic ranch setting, the VRM Class II objective requires that site planning and architectural detailing repeat the basic elements of form, line, color, and texture of the historically contributing features.
The potential impacts to visual resources were evaluated through KOP s, contrast ratings, field observations, and a qualitative review of the Walking Box Master Plan and Preservation Plan (BLM 2008) and project alternatives.
Two KOP s were identified from which to analyze the typical effects of each alternative. Map 4-1 shows the locations of each KOP . For each KOP , the BLM ’s Visual Contrast Rating Worksheets (Form 8400-4) compared the characteristics of the existing landscape and basic elements of form, line, color, and texture to each alternative’s degree of contrast and compliance with VRM Class II objectives.