4.10.2. Proposed Action


Public visitation opportunities at the ranch would increase as a result of developing visitor amenities, interpretive programs, educational opportunities, and improved overnight accommodations for ranch managers and academic guests.

As described in the Market Study, Walking Box Ranch Master Plan and Preservation Plan (2008), given the visitation levels at comparable facilities, a reasonable estimate of annual public visitation to the ranch would be 4,000-7,000 visitors annually, which is approximately the same level of visitation at the Searchlight Heritage Museum.

The direct impacts of increasing visitation opportunities at the ranch include:

Operational and maintenance costs would be partially offset by general public entry fees, visitor expenditures on gift shop items and vending, special event use fees, school groups, camping fees, and by educational users on facility use.

Therefore, if the annual visitor impact monitoring reports show that resource conditions remain unaffected at this level and can be increased to accommodate more visitors, other strategies such as direct marketing, busing or bus tours, or increasing the number of events could be pursued to meet the market demand and support the ranch’s finances and operations.

The presence of permanent staff would ensure the maintenance and preservation of the ranch’s features. Increased human activity, including long-term visitors and permanent residences, would deter break-ins and vandalism at the ranch.

Additionally, increased visitation to the Walking Box Ranch would result in some economic benefit to the nearby towns of Searchlight and Nippon, California. These impacts would be long-term and beneficial, and would range from minor to moderate in peak seasons.

The Proposed Action would be consistent with the terms of the SNPLMA nominations. The development of a museum/interpretive center, research facility, and interpretive exhibits throughout the ranch would directly benefit additional visitor opportunities and experiences at the ranch in the long term.

The development of the museum/interpretive center (barn) and interpretive exhibits, as well as the rehabilitation of historic features, would provide educational opportunities for the public and perpetuate the ranch’s history. The development of the field and research training center for visiting academic guests and land managers would promote beneficial research and conservation efforts related to arid lands issues. Therefore, the Proposed Action would satisfy the terms of the SNPLMA grants.


The geographic scope for Proposed Action cumulative effects would be the same as described for the No Action alternative.

Within the region, future population growth, the development of renewable energy facilities and resident workforces, and growing interest in historical attractions would result in cumulative increases in visitation at the ranch over time, as well as other increased visitation at similar facilities in southern Nevada.


Mitigation measures are not recommended for this resource.