4.8.2. Proposed Action


The Proposed Action would directly change the existing uses and activities at the ranch and on BLM lands adjacent to the ranch. Under the Proposed Action alternative, the ranch would transition from a dormant historic ranch to an active historic interpretive site and research and educational facility. The majority of activity would be contained within the 40-acre parcel boundary; however, future research projects may seek to use or study adjacent BLM lands. Research uses beyond the 40-acre parcel would be subject to a separate environmental review process and are not further analyzed in this EA .

The Proposed Action would retain and/or enhance the historic character and scenic values of the ranch by rehabilitating and stabilizing historic structures, removing non-historic structures, and restoring currently denuded areas on the ranch.

The Proposed Action is consistent with the restrictions of the conservation easement. New interpretive, educational, and research opportunities at the ranch would perpetuate the history of agricultural and ranching practices at the ranch.

The Proposed Action would result in some visual changes at the ranch and some minor new land uses (e.g., new group camping area). The new uses would affect approximately 4 acres. Overall, however, the Proposed Action would ensure the integrity and long-term protection and/or rehabilitation of natural and historic features and values of the ranch, consistent with the SNPLMA and SAT grants and TNC conservation easement.


The geographic scope would be the same as described for the No Action alternative. The land use changes associated with the Proposed Action are very minor. Their contribution to the effects of other past, present, or reasonably foreseeable actions, such as increased urbanization or renewable energy development, would be cumulatively negligible.


Mitigation measures are not recommended for this resource.