4.5.2. Proposed Action


The Proposed Action alternative would result in short-term direct adverse effects as a result of construction-generated dust and vehicle emissions. Dust generation would be largely controlled by implementing appropriate Best Management Practices, including the use of watering trucks for dust abatement and requiring open loads coming to/from the ranch to be covered. Adverse effects as a result of construction activities at the ranch would be locally minor and negligible at the airshed and regional scales. These short-term effects would have no effect on regional or global climate change.

In the long term, increased visitation and operational traffic to the ranch would result in increased vehicle emissions and dust generation. These long-term adverse effects would be minor at the local scale and negligible at the airshed and regional scales. During large or special events, minor to moderate adverse effects to local air quality would occur as the result of increased vehicular emissions and dust generation. These effects would, in the long term, occur intermittently. These intermittent moderately adverse effects would be local in nature, but could have minor adverse effects on the Town of Searchlight, depending on wind and weather patterns.

The Proposed Action would accommodate an increased number of campers. The localized particulate matter generation as a result of increased pedestrian travel in the group and RV camping areas is not, however, anticipated to produce any additional measurable adverse effects.

Ultimately, these effects would not have any permanent adverse effects on local or regional air quality or global climate change.


Due to the undeveloped nature, limited traffic, and other emission or dust generating activities in the local airshed, long-term adverse cumulative effects as a result of the Proposed Action alternative are unlikely. Adverse effects as a result of large events and the associated vehicular traffic could, when combined with the effects of reasonably foreseeable future developments, including reasonably foreseeable large scale energy or residential developments, cause shortterm adverse cumulative effects. The intensity of short-term adverse cumulative effects would be largely dependent on wind and weather patterns, but is not anticipated to exceed minor to moderate levels.


Mitigation measures are not recommended for this resource.