4.4.2. Cumulative Effects under ESA

Cumulative effects under NEPA , as defined above, are distinct from the “cumulative effects” required by Section 7 of the ESA [50 CFR § 402.02]. Cumulative effects under ESA are those effects of future state or private activities, not involving federal activities, that are reasonably certain to occur within the action area of the federal action subject to consultation [50 CFR §402.02]. This definition applies only to Section 7 analyses and should not be confused with the broader use of this term under NEPA or other environmental laws. For the purposes of this document, all discussions and analyses of cumulative effects adhere to the NEPA definition, unless otherwise noted. Additionally, ESA cumulative effect analyses will examine a separate list of future activities than those noted above. These activities will be noted on a case-by-case basis in the individual resource analyses.