3.9.1. Special Status Wildlife Species

Protective or special status designations for species are delineated independently by several federal and state agencies, including USFWS , BLM , Nevada Division of Wildlife (NDOW), and the NNHP , among others. Each agency has its own list of special status species, which often overlap between the agencies.

“It is BLM policy to manage the habitats of all special status species, to prevent future listing of species, to ensure the recovery of listed species, and to ensure that any Federal actions authorized, funded, or carried out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any such species.” ( BLM Manual 6840). Several accepted regulatory plans cover different aspects of the biological resources found on Walking Box Ranch. The BLM implements the LVRMP and participates in the implementation of the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan in cooperation with the USFWS , NDOW , USFS, National Park Service (NPS), and other state and federal agencies. Federal regulatory plans that apply to the management of Walking Box Ranch resources include the ESA , MBTA , and the Desert Tortoise Recovery Plan on ACEC lands adjacent to Walking Box Ranch.