3.7.3. Management Considerations

In addition to BLM policy, current management of the ranch is guided by specific conditions contained in the conservation easement held by TNC . Despite overarching development prohibitions, the conservation easement allows the construction of an interpretive center within the analysis area. Additionally, the conservation easement stipulates that the natural, historic, scenic, and other open space features and values of the ranch be preserved.

The two SNPLMA nominations, on which much of the ranch’s funding is dependent, were largely based on the development of public and/or educational facilities intended to convey interpretive themes about the ranch’s history or explore arid lands issues. One of the nominations specifically proposes to establish a museum/interpretive center at the Walking Box Ranch to provide guided tours and interpretive displays on cultural and historical topics, as well as topics related to the Mojave Desert. The other nomination proposes to establish a renowned facility dedicated to understanding and managing the fragile and biodiversity-rich ecosystems centered on the Mojave Desert. Each of these nominations implies that future increased visitation to the ranch is a management goal or metric for determining satisfaction of the SNPLMA grants.

In 2006, the BLM and UNLV signed a cooperative management agreement for the analysis area. Under the terms of the agreement, the Walking Box Ranch headquarters area (i.e., analysis area) will be made available to the public for education and interpretive purposes.