3.3.1. Management Considerations

In 2006, SAT grant monies were awarded to UNLV to preserve the historic ranch and to undertake a master plan to determine the most appropriate uses for the buildings and site in the future. The following objectives highlight the desired planning outcomes for the SAT grant monies:

Additionally, two separate SNPLMA nominations and subsequent funding (2006) call for rehabilitation of the historic structures, and development of a museum/interpretive center and a FRTC intended to preserve, study, and convey the historical and cultural significance of the ranch.

A cooperative management agreement was signed by BLM and UNLV in December 2005, formalizing the partnership by which UNLV assists BLM in managing the ranch. In undertaking joint management of the property with the BLM , UNLV had a vision for a facility that would serve both the academic community and the public, consistent with the 2006 SAT grant and two SNPLMA nominations. In 2008, two new assistance agreements were signed by BLM and UNLV , one for custodial maintenance and the other for assistance in the design and development of the ranch.