2.5.5. Restoration of Disturbed Areas and Development in the Northwest Corner of the Site

This alternative is similar to Alternative 3 (which has been retained for analysis); however, the new academic facilities would be constructed around the entry point of the site, in the northwest corner, rather than at the south side of the site (as shown in Alternative 3). The existing buildings were programmed for interpretive public uses. This alternative was eliminated for several reasons. Although it would have allowed for more public interaction with the academic facilities, it was also determined that it might be confusing for public visitors to the site, as they would have to make a choice between entering the interpretive facility or research facility upon arrival on the property. This alternative would have involved the realignment of the access road at the west side of the site, a county right-of-way. It also would have impacted the relatively undisturbed portion of the site to the northwest.