2.5.2. Master Plan Alternative 4B – Focused Site-Appropriate Development with New Interpretive Center

Alternative 4B is identical to Alternative 4A with one exception: Alternative 4B would stabilize and close the barn and construct a new interpretive center (as described in Alternative 3, which has been retained for further analysis). Alternative 4B was developed as a variation of Alternative 4A, in the event that occupancy of the barn proves infeasible. Similar to Alternative 4A, 4B would create a distinct academic ‘campus’ on the site and would provide an expanded public program, utilizing the historic ranch configuration as a model. All development and construction would occur on the fenced 40-acre (Parcel 1) portion of the site; no development or construction would occur on the remaining 120-acre parcel. Much of the currently disturbed area of the site, including the tennis court, would be restored and revegetated.

Alternative 4B has been eliminated from further analysis because it is it is substantially similar in design to Alternatives 3 and 4A. The BLM and UNLV decided that, given budget and staffing constraints, a new interpretive center may not be realistic for implementation if Alternative 4B were to be selected as the preferred alternative. If Alternative 4B were carried forward, the new interpretive center element could be individually removed from Alternative 4B at the time of the FONSI /Decision Record. The removal of the interpretive center at the time of decision would equate to selecting Alternative 4A for implementation. As such, it was decided that further analysis of Alternative 4B would be unnecessarily redundant with 4A and would not extend the range of reasonable alternatives carried forward for analysis.