An erosion control plan will be prepared.
Activities associated with construction of the facilities will be done in a way that minimizes potential disturbance to reduce the area requiring post construction rehabilitation.
Salvage and stockpile as much topsoil as possible for later use to re-establish native vegetation.
Whenever construction disturbs the landscape, naturalize contours and reestablish vegetation.
Employ temporary erosion control techniques as required until landscape restoration is completed.
Reclamation will be implemented concurrent with construction and site operations to the fullest extent possible.
Use watering trucks to minimize dust; watering should be sufficient to confine dust plumes to the project work areas.
Limit vehicular paths on unpaved surfaces and stabilize any temporary roads.
Revegetate disturbed land, including vehicular paths created during construction to avoid future off-road vehicular activities.
Drainages will be maintained where possible, and connections to historic drainages off the site preserved.