Topsoil from building or utilities excavation activities will be salvaged and used for nearby restoration efforts.
All construction vehicles will be cleaned and inspected for plant material prior to entering the ranch in order to prevent the transport or spread of noxious weed seeds.
Known noxious weed infestations will be treated (either mechanically or chemically) prior to construction.
If new noxious weed infestations are identified during construction, construction crews will report infestation to the BLM for mapping and appropriate treatments.
Prior to construction, a noxious weed management plan will be prepared to outline the parties responsible for monitoring and initiating treatment of noxious and invasive species that establish within the development footprint.
A biological monitor trained in identifying rosy two-toned beard tongue shall be on site during construction and identify any individuals that occur within or adjacent to the proposed development footprints.
If BLM sensitive plants are identified adjacent to new development footprints or downgradient from these areas, proper Best Management Practices will be used to prevent erosion, sedimentation, trampling, or any incidental damage to plants related to construction or interpretive trail use.
All populations of BLM sensitive plants will be mapped by the biological monitor, and notes on habitat will be taken for later reference during restoration efforts.
Interpretive signs will be installed at strategic locations to educate users on the natural history of these rare plant species and the need to stay on designated paths and trails.
At those locations where avoidance is not possible for yucca and cactus species, all individuals in the construction footprint will be salvaged and relocated to an adjacent location that will not be impacted by construction.
If cacti are salvaged, mature multi-branched individuals will be used to propagate additional individuals at a nursery for planting at an adjacent site with suitable conditions.
Salvaged cacti will be allowed to harden before planting to prevent root rot.
Once planted, the cactus will be watered and otherwise maintained until the cactus is established (a minimum of one year).
Salvaged plants will be maintained by a qualified contractor (with at least three years relevant experience or other BLM -approved qualifications) for a period of one year.
Prior to relocating any yucca or cactus individuals, all appropriate permits will be obtained.
If rosy two-toned beard tongue is unavoidably impacted during trail construction, rosy two-toned beard tongue seed will be collected if seasonally available.
Collected seed will be multiplied under nursery conditions.
Rosy two-toned beard tongue seed will be seeded at sites with suitable habitat conditions.
All restoration efforts will be directed by BLM .
All seeded or planted plants will be monitored by BLM to document the success or failure of the seeding and planting efforts. Monitoring will occur for five years following installation.
An adaptive management plan will be developed if restoration efforts prove to be unsuccessful to implement remedial measures.