No species listed as threatened or endangered species were identified on the 40-acre parcel during targeted survey efforts in the summer of 2009. If, during project implementation, any Special Status Species are discovered, construction activities will be suspended until appropriate protective measures were implemented.
Prior to construction activity, all construction contractor personnel would be informed of desert tortoise sensitivities, common signs, and likely burrow characteristics.
An annual monitoring program will be implemented that analyzes impacts to wildlife habitat from visitation.
Prior to construction activity, construction crews would be educated on desert tortoise habitat, behavior, and ongoing conservation efforts prior to beginning work on site.
If desert tortoise is encountered during construction, crews would cease all activities until the tortoise has safely moved through the construction area.
If new tortoise burrows are indentified within the proposed development footprints, construction crews will consult with the BLM to adjust the trail alignment accordingly to avoid impacts to active burrows.
To prevent undue harm to the western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) and other breeding bird species, habitat-altering actions should be scheduled outside the general breeding season (approximately March 15-June 30 in upland desert and ephemeral wash habitats).
If project construction activities have the potential to alter breeding habitat during the breeding season, a qualified biologist must survey the area for nests prior to ground-disturbing or other construction activities. Surveys shall include burrowing, ground nesting, and vegetation nesting species.
Should any active nests be indentified during the construction phase, an appropriately sized buffer area (determined by a qualified biologist) must be avoided until all of the young have fledged.