For both potable and non-potable uses, existing groundwater rights are expected to be adequate for projected ranch needs when used in combination with above ground water storage tanks. These storage tanks and pumps would provide the required water and pressure on demand, even when the existing well is not capable of handling the needs on demand. In the future, the existing well may need to be replaced by a new facility in a new location. The new facility would potentially have a higher capacity, but would still operate within existing water rights that allow for an average yield of 12,275 gallons per day (gpd).
There are currently a pumphouse, water treatment system, and 2,500 gallon potable water storage located at the southeast end of the corrals. The existing pumphouse and treatment facilities would be replaced with new facilities including pressurized storage and an expanded potable water storage tank that would allow for higher peak water usage.
Buried water distribution lines would transport fire suppression and irrigation water to all developed areas on the ranch. Potable water would run through a treatment process to make the water safe to drink and be stored in a pressure tank for use upon demand. The non-potable system, used for fire suppression, would not be looped.