Within the homestead area, buildings and structures have always been connected by a series of unpaved paths and driveways across the site. The open, unpaved ranch yard and informal unpaved trails throughout the natural landscape of the site were determined to be contributing features to the overall historic significance of the ranch. Roads and parking areas are not delineated; years of driving through and around the site have expanded this network of social roads and parking areas to cover much of the immediate area of the ranch yard. Likewise, pedestrian circulation is not delineated or controlled and decades of use have resulted in a disorganized and unnecessarily complex network of social trails throughout the site. Many of these social trails are probably from the historic cattle ranch operations, as many of them radiate from the corral areas.
The Proposed Action would utilize previously impacted areas of the site for new development, to the extent possible with respect to historic treatments (Figure 2.15, “Historic Corridor Concept”). This alternative would retain portions of the original road through the ranch for interpretive purposes. All unnecessary, non-contributing roads would be closed and restored with native landscape. Similarly, all noncontributing pedestrian and cattle trails would be closed and restored.
This alternative would create a system of paved pedestrian trails to allow for ADA access (Figure 2.1, “Overall Site Plan”). Paving materials would be appropriate for the historic appearance of the site.