The BLM will decide which of the alternatives described in Chapter 2, Alternatives would result in the highest and best use of the ranch and its historic structures, while preserving its historic integrity and environmental resources and making it accessible to and understandable by the public, consistent with limitations contained in the conservation easements.
This EA is not the decision document for the proposed project. The Red Rock / Sloan Field Manager is the responsible official who will decide which, if any, management actions for this project will be implemented. The decision document will include all management requirements, including design features and post-project monitoring actions that will occur in association with the selected alternative.
The decision of whether or not to implement the Proposed Action alternative will be documented in the Decision Notice. The Field Manager will also determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required based on the significance of environmental effects (40 Code of Federal Regulations [ CFR ] 1509.9) documented in the EA . If no significant effects are identified, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Decision Record will be issued by the Field Office Manager and the project will proceed with implementation.