Chapter 6. List of Preparers

Table 6.1. List of Preparers:

Name Title Responsible for the Following Section(s) of this Document
Brenda WarnerRealty SpecialistIntroduction, Purpose and Need, Scoping, Land/Access
Dorothy J. DickeyRealty SpecialistReview of DRAFT edit, and completion of Final EA
Lisa ChristiansonEnvironmental Protection SpecialistAir Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Fred EdwardsBotanistBotanist, Forest Initiative, Healthy (Cactus/Yucca), Threatened, Endangered or Candidate (Plant Species), Vegetation Excluding Listed Species
Susanne RoweArchaeologistCultural Resources, Native American Religious Concerns, Paleontology,
Jayson BaranganNatural Resource SpecialistFish & Wildlife, Migratory Birds, Threatened, Endangered or Candidate (Animal Species),
Sarah PetersonHydrologistFloodplains, Hydrologic Conditions, Riparian/Wetlands, Soils,Water Resources/Quality (Drinking/Surface/Ground), Wetlands/Riparian Zones, Wild & Scenic Rivers
Mark SlaughterWildlife BiologistFish & Wildlife, Migratory Birds, Threatened, Endangered or Candidate (Animal Species)
George VarhalmiGeologistGeology/Mineral Resources/Energy Production,
Nora CapletteNatural Resource SpecialistInvasive Species/ Noxious Weeds
Kirsten CannonPublic Affairs SpecialistPublic Affairs
Kystal JohnsonWild Horse and Burro SpecialistFarmlands, Livestock Grazing
Lucas RheaFire Management Spec.Fuels/Fire Management
Katie KleinickWildlife BiologistThreatened, endangered animal species
Lauren BrownNRS Restoration EcologistVisual Resources
Sendi KalcicWilderness PlannerAreas with Wilderness Characteristics