2.1. Description of the Proposed Action:

Clark County, Department of Real Property Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, has submitted an application for a Recreation and Public Purpose (R&PP) lease/conveyance for Phase III of the Lone Mountain Regional Park located in the northwest part of the Las Vegas Valley. This case has been assigned serial number N-75701 (N-75701 is the classification page and N-75701–01 is the lease page.) The plan of development for the Lone Mountain Park includes a recreation center, swimming pool, ball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, playground, tot-lot, restrooms, picnic and leisure areas, trailhead facilities, parking lot, turf establishment, landscaping, lighting, utilities and ancillary equipment. The outcrop known as Lone Mountain consists of steep and rugged terrain not suited for development so this area will consist primarily of walking and jogging trails. Developed recreation will cover approximately 120 acres out of the 303.66 acres.

Phase I of Lone Mountain Regional Park was leased to Clark County on July 29, 1998 under case file N-57883-02 and Phase II of Lone Mountain Regional Park was leased to Clark County on December 13, 1999 under case file N-57883-03. Phase I is already developed as a county park and consists of trails, parking lot, picnic tables, play area, restrooms, and several other amenities. Phase III will be an extension to the park area and will encompass Lone Mountain thus allowing for the addition of new facilities, park amenities and walking and jogging trails.