This is an application for a Recreation and Public Purpose lease/conveyance for Phase III for the Lone Mountain Regional Park. Phase I and Phase II have already been leased to Clark County as a regional park (case file N-57883–02 and N-57883–03). Phase I is developed as a county park and is located on Jensen Street between Hickam Avenue and Red Coach Avenue. Phase III will be an extension to the park area and will encompass Lone Mountain thus allowing for the addition of new facilities, park amenities, and walking and jogging trails.
Stipulations will be attached to the lease which will include conservation and protection of the natural resources, cultural resources, threatened and endangered species, and the environment.
This proposal has been reviewed by Bureau of Land Management resource team members. Their comments and evaluations are included in this environmental assessment.
The proposed ROW is in concurrence with the Las Vegas Resource Management Plan, Environmental Impact Statement (RMP) approved October 5, 1998.
A draft of this EA is available for review by the public on the internet under NEPA number: DOI-BLM-NV-S010-2010-0107-EA.