5.2.2. Section 7 Consultation

The Worland and Cody Field Offices contacted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and the Bighorn Basin Resource Management Plan revision. The BLM sent a scoping letter to the USFWS requesting comments concerning Section 7 consultation and the Bighorn Basin RMP revision project. On November 13 of 2008 the USFWS provided comments on (1) threatened and endangered species, (2) migratory birds, and (3) wetlands and riparian areas. Within these comments was also provided a list of threatened and endangered species likely to occur on BLM-administered land in the Worland and Cody Field Offices, for evaluating BLM Section 7 responsibilities. The USFWS was also provided opportunities to comment on chapters 2 and 4 of the Draft RMP and Draft EIS, and in November and December of 2009 comments were received on both chapters. Consultation letters concerning the Bighorn Basin RMP revision project are located in Appendix E. The Worland and Cody Field Office will continue consultation with the USFWS regarding the RMP revision through completion of the final biological assessment and final EIS and proposed RMP.