5.1.2. Public Notification of Scoping

News Release

The BLM issued a news release to local media on October 14, 2008, describing the upcoming NOI and listing the time, date, and location of the public scoping meetings. Copies of the news release went out to numerous radio stations and newspapers within and outside the Planning Area. The news release was also posted on the Bighorn Basin RMP Revision Project website.


Another means of outreach prior to the public scoping meetings included a postcard mailing announcing the scoping meetings. The BLM mailed the postcards to cooperating agencies, individuals and organizations on the project mailing list (see the following section, Scoping Meetings), as well as P.O. Box holders in the Planning Area. The BLM mailed 2,679 postcards on October 21, 2008, and more than 2,500 were successfully delivered.

Additional Sources of Public Information about the Scoping Process

In addition to news releases and other notifications from the BLM regarding the scoping process, some members of the public received notification from other sources. More than 15 articles and news bulletins regarding some aspect of the RMP process were published in newspapers, both within and outside the Planning Area. Many of the articles listed the dates for the scoping period and the dates, times, and locations of public scoping meetings. Most of the articles provided some background regarding the purpose of the RMP revision and information about the process. The County Commissioners for the counties within the Planning Area, all of whom are cooperating agencies, also contacted county residents and interest groups. The County Commissioners from Park County used an automated phone system, e-mails, and radio to contact thousands of county residents and invite them to attend the public meetings and participate in the scoping process. Big Horn, Washakie, and Hot Springs Counties performed similar outreach efforts including contacting county residents, posting flyers, and taking part in radio outreach.


On October 17, 2008 the Bighorn Basin RMP Revision Project website came online. The website provides background information on the project, a description of the scoping process and meeting locations, instructions on how to submit comments, a map of the Planning Area, and copies of public information documents such as the NOI and the Preparation Plan. The website is one of the methods used to communicate project news and updates to the public. The website can be accessed at: http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/programs/Planning/rmps/bighorn.html.