Summary of Impacts by Alternative

Beneficial impacts to health and safety from management of AML sites occur under all alternatives; however, alternatives B and D would have the most beneficial impacts, followed by Alternative A, and then Alternative C. Under all alternatives, the BLM and Wyoming DEQ will identify and plan for remediation of AML sites which would reduce potential adverse impacts to health and safety. Alternative C could result in the greatest risk to health and safety from the management of AMLs by not prioritizing sites for reclamation and by allowing activities in mitigated AMLs.

Principle impacts to health and safety from geologic hazard areas would result from management that increases activities in geologic hazard areas and subsequently increases the risk and potential for accidents in these areas. Providing warning signs for geologic hazards would result in similar impacts under all the alternatives. Under Alternative A, there is no specific management for activities in geologic hazard areas, compared to the prohibition of activities under Alternative B, and allowing activities in mitigated geologic hazard areas under alternatives C and D. Adverse impacts to health and safety associated with geologic hazard management would be the least under Alternative B, followed by alternatives C and D, and greatest under Alternative A.

Under all alternatives, the impacts from management of hazardous wastes and materials would be the same. The potential for impacts may vary by alternative based on the level of mineral activity under the alternatives. Alternative C would result in the greatest amount of mineral activity, and as a result, may increase the generation, storage, and transport of hazardous materials, which could increase the potential for health and safety impacts compared to the other alternatives. Under all alternatives, an active remediation program remains in place and hazardous materials in the Planning Area are managed to reduce risk to people and the environment.