Summary of Impacts by Alternative

WSAs exist under all alternatives and are managed under the IMP, which restricts discretionary activities in WSAs to ensure that their suitability for Wilderness designation is not impaired. Overall, beneficial impacts to WSAs would be the greatest under Alternative B, followed by alternatives D, A, and C. Although there are limited discretionary actions the BLM can take that would affect WSAs, management under Alternative B would result in the greatest beneficial impacts to WSAs by emphasizing resource protection and limiting the potential for activities in and adjacent to WSAs that may adversely affect wilderness characteristics. Alternative C places the fewest restrictions on activities that may diminish wilderness characteristics, and includes the fewest other resource protection measures that would benefit WSAs. Motorized vehicle use, which may be incompatible with the concept of primitive recreation and may affect perceptions of solitude, is least restricted in WSAs under Alternative C, followed by alternatives A, D, and B respectively. Alternatives B, C, and D identify land-tenure adjustment zones that may result in beneficial impacts to WSAs by increasing the potential for and expediting the disposal of inholdings or the acquisition of areas with high wilderness characteristics values that increase the manageability of WSAs. Additionally, alternatives B and D include provisions for the acquisition of inholdings within WSA boundaries that would result in beneficial impacts through the elimination of incompatible uses.