4.7.3. National Historic Landmarks

The Heart Mountain Relocation Center National Historic Landmark is on BLM-administered mineral estate with BLM-administered surface in view of the site. National Historic Landmarks are very high profile by definition, so adverse impacts to these areas are more controversial than impacts to NRHP sites. Adverse impacts to the Heart Mountain Relocation Center National Historic Landmark would be similar to those described in Section 4.5.1 Cultural Resources, with a greater emphasis on impacts to the viewshed of the National Historic Landmark. BLM actions that alter the scenic characteristics of the landscape around the Heart Mountain Relocation Center National Historic Landmark or adversely affect the viewshed would adversely impact the integrity of the National Historic Landmark and, therefore, could affect the historical significance of this resource. Beneficial impacts are those that preserve the setting around the National Historic Landmark to maintain its historical character and significance.