4.7.2. National Back Country Byways

This section describes the impacts of each alternative to National Back Country Byways, which are an important recreational resource on BLM-administered lands. These travel routes are frequently used and are susceptible to impacts over the long term. Adverse impacts to National Back Country Byways result from management actions that substantially limit or prevent public use. Beneficial impacts result from actions that enhance the use of Back Country Byways. Direct impacts include any action that substantially alters the use of the byways. Indirect impacts include actions that alter the setting of the byways and influence user experiences.

The Red Gulch/Alkali Road National Back Country Byway is the only currently designated back country byway in the Planning Area. Under Alternative B, two additional back country byways, the Hyattville Logging Road and the Hazelton (33-Mile) Road, are proposed for designation.