Summary of Impacts by Alternative

Management under Alternative B would be the most effective for protecting the caves, cultural and paleontological resources, scenic, wildlife, and vegetation values of concern in both the alternatives A and D ACEC and alternatives B and D ACEC expansion or SMA boundaries because it allows the least development. Alternative B implements the greatest restrictions on surface-disturbing activities, mineral development, ROW authorizations, and motorized travel on the largest area, resulting in the greatest adverse impacts to these resource uses. Alternative D would result in impacts similar to Alternative B, although the adverse impacts to mineral leasing and locatable mineral entry and the beneficial impacts to the values of concern from restricting these mineral uses would both be less under Alternative D. Alternative C would be the least effective for protecting the values of concern in the ACEC area designated under alternatives A and D and the ACEC expansion or SMA areas proposed under alternatives B and D, respectively. Alternative C would be more beneficial to mineral development, ROW authorizations, and motorized travel than the other alternatives.