4.6.7. Livestock Grazing Management

Adverse impacts to livestock grazing management result from management actions that limit, reduce, or prohibit livestock grazing or AUMs in the Planning Area. Additionally, management actions that degrade rangeland health (e.g., the condition of soils, watersheds, and vegetation communities) and livestock forage or that restrict the placement, construction, or maintenance of range improvement projects would result in adverse impacts. Management actions that are beneficial to livestock grazing include those that increase AUMs, decrease restrictions on the grazing of livestock, improve rangeland health or livestock forage, distribute or disperse livestock in ways that increase access to forage, or reduce the cost associated with livestock grazing management.

Direct impacts to livestock grazing result from management actions that change AUM allocations or restrict livestock grazing. Indirect impacts to livestock grazing result from management actions that affect rangeland health and productivity or that change livestock grazing management on BLM-administered lands with the Planning Area.