4.6.6. Lands with Wilderness Characteristics

The BLM inventory identified approximately 571,288 acres (in 51 LWCs) of BLM‐administered land with wilderness characteristics in the Planning Area, or approximately 18 percent of total BLM-administered land in the Planning Area. Chapter 3 describes the process used to inventory LWCs and lists the current key management for each of these areas.

This section presents an analysis of proposed management actions for LWCs that are likely to result in impacts to other resources, resource uses, and special designations. This section also analyzes the effects of management actions on the wilderness characteristics identified in these areas.

Adverse impacts from management in LWCs result from actions that restrict resource uses or the management of resources, while beneficial impacts are those that enhance other resource uses or the management of resources. Adverse impacts to LWCs occur when natural conditions, opportunities for solitude, or opportunities for primitive, unconfined recreation (collectively known as wilderness characteristics) are compromised. Beneficial impacts occur when the above conditions are preserved or improved. Direct impacts would result from management actions that affect other resource uses or activities in LWCs. Indirect impacts to other resources (e.g., soils and vegetation) may result if management actions in LWCs displace resource uses or activities (e.g., minerals development) to areas outside of these lands, thereby augmenting impacts in other areas.

For a discussion of wilderness characteristics in WSAs, please refer to Section 4.7.6 Wilderness Study Areas.