Methods and assumptions used in this impact analysis include the following:
The impact of RAMPs will be assessed following completion of the RMP revision.
The SRMAs will be managed for the Niche, Management Objective, desired RSCC, experiences, and benefits, and Activity Planning Framework specified in the alternatives.
Traditional recreational uses of Planning Area lands will continue, despite new recreational activities based on new technologies occurring in the area.
The demand for fishing, floating, camping, OHV use, mountain biking, and new technology-based recreation is expected to increase. The number of hunters will fluctuate with the size of herds and other indirect factors, but because of less interest by younger generations, the number of hunters will decrease.
The incidence of resource damage and conflicts between OHV users and nonmotorized recreationists will increase as OHV use increases.
Visitation throughout the Planning Area will continue to increase as resource availability and conditions allow. As the population of both neighboring states and the local area continues to grow, the need or search for less crowded or more remote recreational opportunities will continue to bring more people to the public lands in Wyoming.