Summary of Impacts by Alternative

Impacts to renewable energy development would result from restrictions that limit or prohibit renewable energy development, including the designation of renewable energy avoidance/mitigation and exclusion areas. Each alternative proposes restrictions on renewable energy development to a varying degree of intensity.

Under Alternative A, no specific renewable energy avoidance/mitigation or exclusion areas are identified. Alternative B includes the most restrictions and constraints to renewable energy development, with 1,251,869 acres managed as exclusion areas and 1,691,497 acres managed as avoidance/mitigation areas. Alternative B also includes the most constraints to renewable energy development in ACEC areas, followed by alternatives D and C. Alternative D is the second most constraining alternative, with 294,345 acres managed as renewable energy exclusion areas and 2,501,876 acres managed as avoidance/mitigation areas. Alternative C is less constraining to renewable energy development than alternatives B and D, with 151,506 acres managed as renewable energy exclusion areas and 1,612,547 acres managed as avoidance/mitigation areas. Management under all alternatives would seek to minimize impacts to other resources from renewable energy development, which may result in adverse impacts through siting and design requirements and mitigation that could limit development.