Methods and Assumptions

For all federal undertakings that may affect cultural resources, the BLM complies with NHPA Section 106 before proceeding with the undertaking. Section 106 compliance typically includes inventory and evaluation, and consultation with the SHPO. Existing Planning Area plans considered the maintenance of a ¼-mile-wide buffer zone adequate protection in most site situations, and the occasional application of a 5-mile-wide buffer zone a generous allowance that would protect the viewshed of the resource. However, with the introduction of new technologies, particularly wind turbines that are often grouped into wind farms, these distances do not always protect the significant values of a resource. Because the historic preservation community has begun placing more emphasis on setting as the initial aspect of integrity for a NRHP-eligible cultural resource, management must approach the application of viewshed criteria with flexibility, and account for the distance from the resource and the type of intrusion when determining the impact. On a case-by-case basis, and as appropriate for some projects, project decisions account for the importance of viewshed in a resource’s eligibility and the distance necessary to protect its NRHP significance.

Methods and assumptions used in this impact analysis include the following: