Summary of Impacts by Alternative

The principle adverse impacts to BLM special status plant species result from management that increases surface disturbance and habitat fragmentation; the principle beneficial impacts include management that increases restrictions in known or potential BLM special status plant species habitat. Based on the acreage of surface disturbance, the potential for habitat fragmentation, and proactive management actions and special designations to protect BLM special status plant species, alternatives with the least to most potential adverse impacts to BLM special status plant species are alternatives B, D, A, and C. Alternative B would result in the least surface disturbance and habitat fragmentation, followed by alternatives A, D, and C respectively. However, Alternative D contains management actions to minimize habitat fragmentation that alternatives A and C do not contain. Alternative B includes the most provisions to protect sensitive soils and riparian areas for the benefit of BLM special status plants, followed by alternatives D, A, and C respectively. Restrictions on motorized vehicle use, especially restricting motorized cross-country travel, would reduce adverse impacts to BLM special status plant species the most under Alternative B, followed by alternatives D, A, and C respectively.