4.4.7. Special Status Species – Plants

Adverse impacts are those that contribute to the decline in abundance or distribution of BLM special status plant species. Beneficial impacts to BLM special status plant species consist of activities that protect habitat or reduce the risk of harm to these species. An increase in BLM special status plant species numbers over time in response to an enhanced habitat or the increased viability of species is considered a beneficial impact.

For this analysis, direct impacts to BLM special status plant species are those actions resulting in damage to or loss of individual BLM special status plants, fragmentation of habitat, loss of habitat quality, loss of pollinators, and loss of soil seed banks. Direct impacts may result from surface-disturbing activities, trampling, herbivory, fire, and herbicide application. Indirect impacts to BLM special status plant species are those actions that aid or compromise the protection of these species. There may be indirect impacts to potential habitats for BLM special status plant species when actions change the habitats in a way that make them unsuitable for future colonization.