4.4.4. Invasive Species and Pest Management

The presence of invasive species in the Planning Area is considered an adverse impact. Actions that contribute to the introduction of invasive species, the spread of existing invasive species populations, or that avoid, reduce, or prohibit invasive species control activities in the Planning Area also would be adverse impacts. Beneficial impacts include management actions that reduce or contain the spread of, or eradicate, invasive species in the Planning Area.

Direct impacts to the management of invasive species typically result from actions that disturb soil or that otherwise create environments (i.e., seedbed) for the establishment of invasive plant species (Map 30). Indirect impacts result from activities that avoid, reduce, or prohibit invasive species control activities in the Planning Area. The transport of invasive species seed or other plant parts by wildlife, livestock, vehicles, wind, or water to other locations, thereby expanding the distribution or increasing the range of spread of weeds, is also considered an indirect impact.