Summary of Impacts by Alternatives

Air quality impacts would primarily result from minerals development and production, and oil and gas activities; emissions associated with these actions would outweigh those produced from other proposed activities. Alternative B would result in the lowest levels of emissions in 2015 and 2024 by reducing all emissions—except for CO, which would increase slightly—and, therefore, it is unlikely that emissions under this alternative would contribute to an exceedance of a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) or Wyoming Ambient Air Quality Standard (WAAQS). Alternatives A and C would result in increases for some pollutants (PM10 , CO) and decreases for all others compared to the 2005 base year. Alternative C would have the greatest potential to contribute to exceedances of the NAAQS or WAAQS of any alternative. Alternative D would result in comparable impacts to the base level (year 2005), except that VOC emissions are expected to decrease by 13 percent in 2015 and by 34 percent by 2024; projected emissions are, therefore, unlikely to contribute to an exceedance of a NAAQS or WAAQS. Refer to Table 4–2 for a summary of emissions by alternative. Alternative C is projected to result in the most new oil and gas wells and locatable mineral development (the activities anticipated to result in the greatest CO2 contributions during the planning cycle), resulting in the most CO2 emissions, followed by alternatives D, A, and B respectively.