2.4.7. Special Designations and Other Management Areas

Only the Brown/Howe Dinosaur Area ACEC and Spanish Point Karst ACEC are designated under all alternatives; therefore, only these ACECs have management actions common to all alternatives. Within the Brown/Howe Dinosaur Area ACEC, motorized vehicle use is limited to designated roads and trails, and all surface-disturbing activities are mitigated. The Spanish Point Karst ACEC is closed to motorized vehicle use and administratively unavailable for oil and gas leasing.

Other special designation management actions include retaining the Red Gulch/Alkali Road National Back Country Byway and closing BLM‐administered lands within the waterway corridors of Wild and Scenic River (WSR) eligible and suitable segments to land disposal actions. The BLM manages 10 WSAs in the Planning Area, including McCullough Peaks, Alkali Creek, Cedar Mountain, Honeycombs, Medicine Lodge, Trapper Creek, Owl Creek, Sheep Mountain, Red Butte, and Bobcat Draw Badlands in accordance with the IMP for Lands under Wilderness Review. The BLM manages these areas as ROW avoidance/mitigation and VRM Class I areas; the lands are administratively unavailable to mineral and geothermal leasing and closed to mineral materials disposal and renewable energy development.