2.4.2. Mineral Resources

Mineral resources management defines the scope of mineral development and applies measures such as BMPs to protect other resources and resource uses. Under all alternatives, the BLM manages land not formally withdrawn from mineral entry for exploration and development of locatable minerals. Proposals for new mineral materials disposal sites are subject to site-specific analysis prior to approval, but existing approved sites would remain open.

Management of leasable minerals includes consultation with private landowners about routing access roads, locating well pads, and other specific needs on split-estate; processing oil and gas lease applications on a case-by-case basis; and the application of BMPs in the exploration, development, production, and abandonment of oil and gas resources. Unless otherwise noted, BLM-administered land in the Planning Area that is open to oil and gas leasing is open to geothermal leasing, and, conversely, lands identified as administratively unavailable to oil and gas leasing and exploration are also administratively unavailable for geothermal leasing. Geothermal exploration and development is also subject to restrictions on surface-disturbing activities in the same manner as they are applied to oil and gas exploration and development activities.