2.4. Management Actions Common to All Alternatives

Management actions common to all alternatives can result because of specific limitations on management of resources and land use programs that guided the development of the management alternatives. These limitations are defined in various laws and regulations that govern BLM management decisions. They are also set forth in the planning criteria to ensure that management actions under all alternatives comply with nondiscretionary laws and regulations. In many cases, these laws and regulations preclude the development of alternatives to a given action; in some cases, they limit management either to implementing or not implementing the action.

This section summarizes some of the typical actions captured by management actions that are common to all alternatives. The section does not list all management actions; rather, the BLM selected and summarized actions to provide an overview. Management actions common to all alternatives include laws, regulations, and policies, and while the following descriptions reflect some of these types of actions, this section primarily includes management actions not established by such laws or policies. Table 2-5 provides a complete list of management actions common to all alternatives for each resource. This section groups management action summaries into eight broad resource topics (physical resources, mineral resources, fire and fuels management, biological resources, heritage and visual resources, land resources, special designations and other management areas, and socioeconomic resources).