2.1.5. Step 5 Develop the Agency Preferred Alternative

The BLM developed Alternative D, the Agency Preferred Alternative, by considering the impacts analysis (Chapter 4) for alternatives A through C; knowledge of specific issues raised throughout the planning process; planning criteria; and recommendations from cooperating agencies, BLM specialists, and resource experts.

The BLM developed the Agency Preferred Alternative using the following selection criteria:

  1. Satisfies statutory requirements (true for all alternatives).

  2. Reflects what the BLM believes to be the best combination of decisions to achieve its goals and policies.

  3. Represents the best solution for the purpose and need as described in Chapter 1.

  4. Provides the best approach to address key planning issues.

  5. Considers cooperating agencies’ and BLM specialists’ recommendations.

The Agency Preferred Alternative is the BLM preliminary preference. The Agency Preferred Alternative does not represent a final BLM decision and could change between publication of the Draft RMP and EIS and Proposed RMP and Final EIS based on public comments on the draft document, new information, or changes in laws, regulations, or BLM policies. BLM recently released Manual 6301, "Wilderness Characteristics Inventory" and 6302, "Consideration of Lands with Wilderness Characteristics in the Land Use Planning Process," which implement Secretarial Order 3310, "Protecting Wilderness Characteristics on Lands Managed by the Bureau of Land Management." These documents provide policy direction for designating areas with wilderness characteristics as “Wild Lands” in the land use planning process. “Wild Lands” is a designation resulting from a land use plan decision to protect lands with wilderness characteristics (LWCs). In designating an area as Wild Lands, the land use plan will make decisions to protect the area’s wilderness characteristics to avoid impairment. The BLM is now in the process of incorporating the Secretarial Order and the BLM’s implementing guidance into the Proposed RMP and Final EIS. Application of this policy direction may result in a change in the Agency Preferred Alternative or in development of a new alternative with regard to Wild Lands. The Agency Preferred Alternative or new alternative may be a combination of existing alternatives or an alternative within the range of alternatives already analyzed. BLM invites comment on this issue.

The BLM will make its final decision after it publishes the Proposed RMP and Final EIS, and will document its decisions in Records of Decision for each field office.