This chapter presents four alternative resource management plans (RMPs) (A, B, C, and D) for management of the Bighorn Basin Planning Area. Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, represents the continuation of current management direction. Alternatives B and C represent the “bookends” or the range of alternatives, and Alternative D represents the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Preferred Alternative at this stage in the planning process. Each alternative has a different emphasis for managing public lands and resources in the Planning Area, and represents a complete and reasonable land use plan that meets the purpose and need described in Chapter 1.

[] Permitted AUMs are AUMs that are allowed on a permit/lease that can be used in any given year provided the forage is available.

[1] Authorized AUMs are the AUMs actually billed for and paid for each year by the permittee/lessee. The ratio of historical average authorized use to permitted use in the Planning Area is 64.21 percent.

[2] Estimate of annual earnings and employment includes direct, indirect, and induced economic activity (the “multiplier effect”).