1.2.1. Need to Revise Existing Plans

The BLM identified the need, or requirement, to revise the existing plans through formal evaluations, considering the Analysis of the Management Situation (AMS) (BLM 2009b), examining issues identified during the public involvement process known as scoping, and collaborating with cooperating local, state, and federal agencies. Since the RODs for the existing plans were issued, new data have become available, and laws, regulations, and policies regarding management of these public lands have changed. In addition, decisions in existing plans do not satisfactorily address all new and emerging issues in the Planning Area. These changes and potential deficiencies created the need to revise the existing plans.

New Data

Monitoring, the availability of new information, and advances in science and technology provide new data to consider in the Bighorn Basin RMP Revision Project. The following documents and sources provide new data:

New and Revised Policies

Numerous policies have been either revised or developed since the RODs for the existing plans. Appendix B identifies relevant policies, including new and revised policies, and their effective dates.

Emerging Issues and Changing Circumstances

Emerging issues and changes in local, regional, and national circumstances to consider when revising the existing plans include the following: