The following criteria would be used to modify BLM sage-grouse Key Habitat Area boundaries.

  1. Adjustments would be made to current Key Habitat Area boundaries. Such adjustments will strive to maintain consistency with Wyoming Sage-grouse Core Area boundaries.

  2. To determine if modification is necessary, a standard evaluation area of 5.3 miles around leks within the current boundary would be utilized to determine if suitable habitat is present and if such habitat is suitable for sage-grouse use or requires restoration.

  3. New leks within the standard assessment area would be evaluated for inclusion.

  4. Destroyed or abandoned leks would be evaluated for exclusion.

    1. Exclusion of destroyed or abandoned leks and associated habitat areas from Key Habitat Area would be limited to situations where priority for restoration of habitats is not necessary to meet overall objectives and goals of the plan.

  5. The boundary may be modified to exclude the following areas:

    1. Existing or permitted activity meeting or exceeding at least one of the following:

      1. An average of 1 well pad or transmission structure per section within standardized project-specific evaluation area

      2. An average of 5 % surface disturbance per section within standardized project-specific evaluation area

      3. Large areas of non-habitat near the boundary

    2. Municipalities and subdivisions

    3. Tilled agriculture

    4. Unsuitable habitat